Sunnudagur, 19. ágúst 2007
Ekki skortur á grunnskólakennurum hjá Bretum
Hún vćri nú flokkuđ sem lúxusvandamál stađan ef hún vćri eins hjá okkur og hjá Bretum. Viđ vonum ţađ besta um framtíđina en á međan ađ 0,9% atvinnuleysi ríkir ţá vantar hreinlega líkama til starfa á Íslandi. Vandamáliđ er margbrotiđ en ég held ađ stjórnvöld, ríkisvaldiđ og sveitarfélögin ţurfi ađ staldra ađeins viđ og skođa hvort fleiri stórverkefni séu tímabćr ţegar ţenslan hefur svona mikil áhrif á grunnţjónustu viđ börn, foreldra og eldri borgara.
Grein af BBC vef:
Secondary schools in England are experiencing a "golden" period for staff recruitment, research suggests.
The quality and quantity of candidates applying for vacant posts means schools can select from a talented field. It is a reversal of the trend less than a decade ago when there were teacher shortages, says Education Data Surveys.
The downside is that newly qualified teachers and experienced returners face stiff competition for jobs. This is especially true in the North, where the workforce is shrinking fastest alongside pupil numbers.
It is a golden age and possibly the best it has been for a generation John Howson, Education Data Surveys |
"It is a golden age and possibly the best it has been for a generation," said John Howson, director of Education Data Surveys. "In 2001, you had shortages of trainees because there weren't training enough teachers. "But now schools have never been as well off for selecting teachers who are keen to work in their establishments," he added.
Science gaps
One such school is Rooks Heath High in Harrow, north west London. This year the comprehensive had four vacant posts to fill, one of them in science - a subject which has faced recruitment challenges in recent years. The post was filled by the only candidate to apply, who then pulled out. A second round of adverts produced two strong candidates, one of whom was appointed.
Head teacher John Reavley is encouraged by recent trends in recruitment, but not complacent. He said: "I've found the situation has got better, but not across the board. "I know of one or two schools around here who have had trouble recruiting in the science area."
Stepney Green School - a comprehensive in East London - had three posts to fill this year. Head teacher Paramjit Bhutta said: "I would agree that there has been a turnaround. "Every time we place adverts we get a good pool of candidates - a very strong field."
Balancing act
The new golden era of teacher recruitment may be good news for schools, who can pick and choose the cream of the crop, but in some cases newly qualified teachers, especially from the north, are having to compete with more than 100 others for the same post.
Some are considering moving south to find a post, where the higher cost of living swallows up most of their modest starting salaries. Education Data Surveys' concern with the recruitment pendulum swinging in favour of schools, is that it may not be sustainable.
John Howson said: "As much as possible needs to be done to get the market as close to balance as possible because extremes either way mean someone is going to be disappointed. "The risk is that it swings back the other way. We don't want people to be put off training to become teachers because they won't get a job." Evidence suggests this is already happening, however, with graduate teacher training applications down this year. Mr Howson says if this accelerates, the supply position could deteriorate rapidly, but it might take years for the government to notice.
Education Data Surveys' conclusions are based on tracking 32,000 secondary school vacancies across the country in the 2006-07 academic year.
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Í Iowa City í Bandaríkjunum ţar sem ég var viđ nám var ástandiđ ţannig ađ um hverja stöđu grunnskólakennara og framhaldsskólakennara voru mörg hundruđ umsóknir. Ţađ er ţví miđur ekki góđs viti fyrir samfélagiđ ef enginn skortur er eftir kennurum, ţađ er merki um ađ samfélagiđ er í hrörnun, fólkinu var ađ fćkka og flest ungt fólk fluttist í burtu.
Ég held ađ ţađ sé skortur á kennurum og fólki í ýmis konar umönnun á svćđum í Bretlandi sem eru í vexti, sérstaklega ef ţađ er hár húsnćđiskostnađur á svćđinu líka. Ég las ađ ţessu vćri sums stađar mćtt međ sérstöku húsnćđi á sérstökum lánum, annars vćri hreinlega allt of dýrt fyrir fólk í opinberri ţjónustu ađ búa í sumum hverfum. Ţađ er merkilegt ađ ţađ gerist á sama tíma ađ ţađ er veriđ ađ hverfa frá byggingum félagslegs húsnćđis og verkamannabústađa.
Salvör Kristjana Gissurardóttir, 20.8.2007 kl. 07:24
Kennaraskortur er stađbundiđ vandamál á höfuđborgarsvćđinu. Eins og formađur Kennarasambandsins sagđi ţá ţarf ţjóđfélagiđ ađ taka afstöđu til ţess hvort vöntun á kennurum eigi ađ fara eftir ţenslu í hagkerfinu. Sýnt hefur veriđ fram á ţađ ađ kennarar fara annađ ef vel árar. Ţađ er ósýnilegur kostnađur jafnvel skađi. Ég hef bloggađ um ţetta ástand og skrifađ greinar en sagan endurtekur sig. Blikur eru á lofti og grunnt á stríđsöxinni, á öllum skólastigum.
Gísli Baldvinsson (IP-tala skráđ) 20.8.2007 kl. 13:25
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.